Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scrabble just a little bit sillier with you.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

i feel like this a lot.


in case you couldn't see them in the last one! haha I get too excited and send lots of my friends mass texts like this. I am a huge dork.

Tomatoes! Day 11!

Four tomato seeds have sprouted! They are roma tomatoes and I am slightly intimidated cause the package says they grow to 9 ft tall, apparently they are really viney and that is just like an uncurled length, still terrifying. What if the tomatoes decide they don't want to be food and try to eat me? They could constrict me in their vines! Is there a horror movie called "eat your vegetables (before they eat you!)" because if not I think I am writing it. I try to to talk to my plants but I make sure not to mention that I will be eating them, I don't want them to get scared and stop growing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friendship pizza

Me and Tessa went to the farmers market sunday and bought veggies, I only bought pizza toppings on purpose. I took a picture of our pretty pizzas.

Please grow!

I planted more veggies Sunday at the seed share! Jalapenos, Chives, Cucumbers, Squash, Pole Beans and lots more!

Lettuce day 9, its all curly cause i turned it the night before, it was so leaned over from growing toward the sun!

My basil finally sprouted, its really small but the middle on the right side and the top left have sprouted! WOO!


Long distance love is the pits! I haven't been kissed in two weeks! Maybe I am just a complete baby but missing people is the worst, maybe I should just be grateful I have someone to miss! Luckily the last show of his tour got moved to a few days earlier, and they needed a show that night anyway so he will be back about 2 days early! HOORAY! This gives me less time to do all the weird projects I have been starting since he left, hopefully his return isn't too distracting to keep me from well, keepin' on.

In the immortal words of Journey, "lovin' a music man ain't always what it's supposed to be." It also makes me smile to think that when he reads this he will shake his head and think I am a total loser for liking Journey. He's totally right! What's a girl to do?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 7!!

Two of my basil plants sprouted too but they're way two small to take pictures of!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Green thumb!

Red Lettuce Day 5

I started some vegetable seeds in my windowsill and watching them grow is so exciting! I had a garden as a child one summer with my grandparents but I have never grown anything on my own, well maybe a chia pet. Also this one time I put an old potato in some dirt and watered it and it actually grew into a big plant. I never actually harvested it or checked to see if it had grown me any new potatoes, but it was fun to water it and watch it grow.

I have come to the conclusion that I am MUCH too poor to NOT grow my own food, it just seems like it will be well worth the effort, which is minimal, to have fresh veggies around to eat all the time! The lettuce (pictured) is the only one that has actually sprouted so far. I also planted basil and Roma tomatoes! I plan to keep the basil as a house plant possibly and transplant the lettuce and tomatoes outside when they are ready.

I still have to plan out where I am going to put my garden and figure out if I want to build a raised garden or just try to work with the soil thats already there. I don't think my compost will be ready soon enough to plant in it. Bummer! I am also toying with the idea of building a DIY green house to keep the dog and other weird pests out of there. Anyway this is all new and exciting and if anyone has any tips I would be glad to take them. I am nervous about screwing this up! I'm sure I will feel a little better once my other seeds sprout, it is only day 5 after all. Wish me luck!

Red Lettuce Day 4

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mairzy Doats

My Grandpa finally made it to heaven for his eternal date with Grandma. He was a little late for valentines day but I'm sure she understood. Finally being back in the arms of your lover after almost 4 years has got to beat out chocolate and flowers any day.

I didn't think he would last as long as he did. He was 89 years old. He wanted to leave us the day grandma died, his world was pretty miserable without her. Then the Alzheimers took over and he forgot how to be miserable and started checking the mail 15 times a day. I thought it was funny, and it pissed the hell out of mom.

Thank you for helping to raise me, and for not dropping me as a baby, and for always loving me in your own way. You taught me a lot about life and you were always there when I needed you. Thanks for letting me steal all your cardigans in high school, and for playing me records and 8 track tapes. You taught me how to grow food, and compost, and play horseshoes. Thank you for all the trips to Half moon bay and other places my parents never had time to take me. You enriched my childhood in so many ways, I was super lucky to have grandparents as wonderful as you two. I'm grateful I have so many fond memories of you, I am sorry it took me til adulthood to start showing you more affection. I always loved you, and I always will, I hope you know that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

27 days

This morning I woke up too early and I couldn't fall back to sleep, I just held onto him and wished today wasn't going to be such a difficult day. 

We stayed in bed for a while, showered, finished the laundry and then headed out for some last minute necessities. I was counting down the minutes until I had to let him go away in the van. I am excited and jealous and I would do the same thing if I could, but for the time being the thought of not being able to hold him for 27 days is crippling and sad.

I know everythings going to be okay and I'm just being dramatic. Everythings perfect, I've just never been away from someone this long, heck my average relationship doesn't last 27 days! I know we're going to make it, as long as he doesn't get eaten by gators or rednecks. 

Time to get some sleep and when I wake up it will only be 26 days.