In my dream last night I was sleeping on a cot, to the left of the 15 items or less lane in the grocery store. I would awaken with the busy supermarket noises and try to roll over and go back to sleep, despite the many shoppers. In the dream this seemed completely normal and was probably a bi-weekley occurance for my dream double.
When I finally got up I saw my friend Jon from NY in one of the check out lanes. I haven't talked to him since I got back so I don't know how he got into my dream but whatever! I followed him outside and he put his arm over my shoulder in a chummy manner as we walked. I also noticed his arm was positioned in a way to keep me from coming to close as well. It looked really weird like it had two elbows.
We turned the corner outside the grocery store, I was wearing these white flannel pajamas that I would never wear in real life. Chris Crusher was there and some people I didn't know. I haven't talked to him either so that's weird too. Apparently they were in town for business or something because they looked important. I don't remember anything after that, I think I woke up.
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