A couple days ago I ran into my longest crush ever on my way out of the DMV. He was on his motorcycle and pulled up next to me as I was walking. Granted he has changed a bit since high school, he used to be a punk skater kid.
At first I thought he was going to run me over or he was trying to get in the driveway, he was in full motorcycle garb so I didn't recognize him. Then he said "hey" and my first instinct was "oh great this motorcycle creep is going to hit on me". He must have noticed my confusion because he said my name and I realized who it was. "I'd recognize those eyebrows anywhere" I said to him playfully.
I have seen him around pretty frequently the past few years, the first time I saw him after high school was in the grocery store, and it made my heart swell with happiness to know that the boy I longed for for 5 years had now 'put on a few' pounds and somehow karma was rewarding my unrequited love. I guess that's a little mean since he never did anything to me, I'm almost sure he had no idea of my crush. I mean in high school you have to be overly secretive about feelings because they're so embarrassing.
He has since 'lost a few' and I made sure to mention I noticed, he talked about his band and how he's buying a house with his lady and I'm glad everything is going well for him. We talked for about 10 minutes before he got going. Its strange how I would almost consider him a friend now when in my teenage days I could barely say two words to him.
I guess this just made me realize, maybe I expect too much, I'm never satisfied. I like to think that's a good thing but sometimes I'm not so sure. I have fallen in love so many times, you might say I'm a professional by now, but I have yet to find a guy who's good at loving me.
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