I moved into my new place on Saturday, apparently I have gotten so good at moving that the entire move with a truck and a kia sportage took only about 4 hours! I was amazed, but with this being my fourth move in two years its about damn time. Mandi is awesome and super easy to live with, she marveled at my skillful and speedy unpacking abilities. I also have fallen deeply in love with her puppy Selena. She is such a good dog, an angel puppy. Pictured above she is confused and scared of the bread maker, this was right after she ran away from it she came in for a closer look.
We have a small but beautiful bungalow house, with a storage space and lovely hardwood floors. Our neighbors are nice, but a little crazy, they all have dogs that are much less loved than Selena and kept outdoors all day and all night. Selena stays inside when we're not home, shes so spoiled. (or not neglected) I am going to plant a lasagna garden in the back yard, it looks super easy and I can't wait till spring when I can start planting veggies!
I got my plane tickets to Gainesville, FL yesterday to attend the fest once again. I have done this the past two years and had a blast both times. I am really excited about this year. Its my chance to run away and have way too much fun all weekend one last time before winter. I am looking forward to seeing lots of old friends and making new ones too. October is my favorite month.
Yesterday a random person contacted me via AIM to tell me they were my secret admirer. I think its quite silly but I am also flattered and in a bit of disbelief. I mean I know I'm awesome, but I am always caught off guard when other people think so. Especially mysterious secretive people who claim to have never met me and give me very few clues to their identity. I guess that's part of the fun? I would love to solve the puzzle but somehow I feel like playing along and feeling this out will be much more fun. I guess the anonymity would make it a little easier to express feelings. I appreciate appreciation, and secretive people who want to make me feel special.
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