Sourpatch, Goodluck & Paul Baribeau in Santa Cruz
On tuesday I went to see some of my friends play in Santa Cruz! It was way fun! So the show was supposed to start at 7, right after I got off work in Santa Cruz. I went to the show at 6:50 and proceeded to wait 40 minutes for the first band to set up. They seriously took forever and I don't understand what took them so long, but they were okay. The guitarist was really weird looking but very talented, and the majority of the band was short guys, he towered over them. Also they had an accordian player who I stared at for the majority of the set convinced that if I watched his hands I could somehow teach myself to play the accordian. The singer sounded like he was really trying to be Tom Grabel from against me. He didn't play anything he just sort of wiggled around. It was okay. The bass player's clothes were really small and he was a small guy too so it was very off putting. I made the mistake of standing in the front for the beginning of the set which made me unable to leave the front without feeling like an asshole. Shit I'm way too nice. After them my friend Mombo played acoustic and sang. He is good at the guitar but his voice is strange and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Its like he's going for a HWM type of sound but like he wouldn't naturally sing that way.Next was sourpatch! pictured below!! They ruled, and I only have gooey amazing nice stuff to say about them so I will spare you.

Next was goodluck! I was blown away, they were totally amazing. Everyone went apeshit. 

Next was paul baribeau, He only played 4 songs because the first band took so long to actually set up and play. I totally and completely blame them. Also it was a house show and no one mentioned it had to be over by 1030 until 9:30 when goodluck were setting up. He was amazing, despite the time limit and he told me after he was really pissed but didn't show it, he's a good sport. 

After the show a bunch of us went to Saturn cafe (one of my very favorite vegetarian restaurants) to drink milkshakes and eat food. It was really fun. A bunch of people stiffed us on the check cause we had a group of 15 so that sucked. I didn't know some of the weirdos at the other side of the table. they looked dirty and poor. Rich likes r. kelly.
Me and Jennifer
Mandie through my blue water glass.
Nicole through same blue water glass, she is touching her elbow. I think she was dancing.
Something really funny happened.
The following day rich came with me to Berkeley to flyer the show, we didn't get a lot of flyering done but we did eat at herbivore, which was delicious. I got the soy chicken shwarma ( I spelled that right first try!) and a vegan chocolate shake. It was super chocolately and I really liked it.
Rich ordered the same thing with no pickles or avocado, but our server GASTON messed up and gave us the wrong one so he ate the one with the pickles and avocado and I was bummed for missing out on all that glorious avacado. Pickles are just meh.
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