I am starting to feel better, I mostly only feel shitty at work, and that's because I'm at work. Also its really dusty and dirty here. Bleck! I want to try running tonight, but apparently I need like 10 more sports bras before I even try... okay that's an exaggeration, but I was told I should wear 3 of them, plus my regular bra to make for a non bouncy, no stretch marky run. Why the hell can't I just buy ONE that WORKS? I know society likes boobs, but they're really fucking inconvenient. I can't wear button up shirts, or find bathing suits that fit me, or run without wearing a shitload of sports bras and an ace bandage (yes my friend suggested I "ace bandage" myself down cause apparently that really helps.) Oh lord. Life is hard.
I know I rant a lot, but I'm actually very happy, life is just so rediculous sometimes. I've been feeling really good lately (other than being sick) and I'm just excited about everything thats coming up for me. I get to go on vacation in 3 weeks, the band is doing good despite the occasional tantrum (not from me!) Its just like I constantly have something to look forward to, which is exciting and I'm not used to it!
october 18th - we're playing this weird hardcore show, its going to be super awkward but I don't care.
october 20th - loved ones at bottom of the hill, alexis's birthday. I have no idea what to get her.
october 24th - party for leo's birthday and trevor and alexis's anniversary! I'm going to make an ice cream cake.
october 29th - leave for first vacation!! hang out with amazing people and see amazing bands! NOT SLEEP!
november 8th - we're playing nickel city with jonah matranga, this is going to be weird. haha but cool.
november 9th - we're playing with fireworks at gilman (first gilman show) and i think we actually fit in with these bands and people might like us.
november 13th - vacation part deux! I am going to new jersey for the last ergs show, and a million other shows. I get to hang out with an awesome guy and lots of awesome friends. I get to eat tons of vegan food!! I might be looking forward to this vacation the most.
november 19th - sleep all day. (vacation from my vacation)
when I come back I get to worry about thanksgiving and stuffing my face with food, winter is always awesome cause I get to see my family and wear scarfs and stay inside and watch movies all the time. I get to bake as much as I want cause the oven makes the house warmer. I get to experience my first holiday away from home, its going to be weird but fun.
I feel really positive that everything is going to be okay.
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