So we meet again, Charlotte North Carolina. This part of the airport seems totally unfamiliar and busy, granted last time I was here it was 6am exactly two weeks ago. My flight has been delayed due to "heavy air traffic" in Newark. You would think they would plan the air traffic in advance, "hey guys, lets not all land at the same time" "eeehh I dunno stan, eight mile high bumper planes sounds kind of fun." Its probably some simple airport lie just to make everyone feel better.
I'm not too bummed or in a hurry, I guess I get to hang out less but its no biggie as long as the trains still run that late. Unfortunately I'm programmed to fear being alone late at night so it should be an interesting train ride!
Last night me and my roommate Alexis discussed (at 10pm) what time we should leave for my 11:20 am flight this morning. We decided there would be traffic and should leave at 7:30 to ensure we get there before 9. This seemed like a sound idea until we were driving this morning and I realized I had to kill two and a half hours at the airport. She told me to try and bend my legs backwards so I could sit the other way in the chair, she's a sweet girl.
On the plane I sat next to a quiet indian fellow with bad breath, I wasn't trying to smell his breath but he kept yawning and eating. I also think he had gas cause I kept smelling farts. I turned on the air vent (which was not within arms length so I had to unbuckle my seatbelt and get on my knees on the seat) which mostly illeviated my problem but just made me feel cold the whole flight. Next to him was an old guy with a shiny red pillow, when I used the facilities in the middle of the flight he stood the whole time until I got back, I thought it was strange.
I finished the book I was reading on the plane, serves me right for bringing a short book. Its called "Love is a mixtape" by Rob Sheffield and the premise is basically this guy reliving memories of his deceased wife through the mixtapes they made together, each chapter is a mix tape. The author also writes for rolling stone so there are tons of juicy music tidbits in there too, honestly its like a half music half wife coctail. You know from the beggining that he is talking about his dead wife but when he finally tells the story of how it happened I lost it. I was a big sobbing crybaby on the airplane, luckily I had my ipod on so I couldn't hear my loud sobbing. (I'm sure it was annoying)
I am especially sentistive to stories with male widowers, It's to the point where if I ever get married I hope I don't die first simply because I couldn't handle leaving behind a helpless lost man to fend for himself. Maybe its my feminism talking, but I have always believed women are stronger and more capable of survival in these cases. I was raised by some very strong women, and some very sensitive men so I guess my ideals might be a bit skewed. I'm sure once I actually fall in love with someone who would actually consider marrying me I may think differently.
So of course reading this book about mixtapes made me want to make a mixtape, and considering I can't really do that I just made a playlist on my ipod. The mixtape is going to be for a guy I like, I've been trying to make him a mix for a while but am really bad at just sitting down and doing things. I don't feel so bad because he said he was going to make me a mix tape too and we both have put it off for several months already. I guess we have a mutual understanding that mixtapes are not at the top of either of our priority lists. I'm excited for this one though, I almost killed my ipod battery searching for songs.
We are probably going to start boarding soon so I am going to walk around before hand to stretch my legs and give my tail bone a rest before I must be confined to more lap belts!
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