My thanksgiving feast! It actually didn't take me very long, I made the pumpkin pie and chocolate tofu pie in advance, the tofurkeys in the crockpot, and the mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, sweet potato pie and peach cobbler were all pretty fast. I woke up at 10:30 and we we're eating and watching "a charlie brown thanksgiving" by 12:30. I felt pretty efficient. (and stuffed!) Everyone liked my food, even Alexis the picky eater tried a little of everything since I made sure to avoid all of her food allergy triggers. Nick and Linsday came over and ate a little too. (Nick thinks I should start a food blog called "food authority" because thats what he calls me, if I like something he knows he will too. What can I say, I have great taste [buds]) It was overall a pretty relaxed morning. In the late afternoon I made the two hour trek to Dixon, CA to see my dad and brother, his family and my cousins. It was good to see everyone but after the busy morning I was in no mood to be so far from home. I guess the whole "meaning" of thanksgiving was sort of lost this year, all I really wanted was the food. Ever since grandma died the holidays have been more of a chore than anything. I always find myself becoming a bit reclusive through the winter. At least I have leftovers!
This weekend was pretty good, I got absolutely nothing done, unless you count watching 20 episodes of 30 rock as an accomplishment. Yesterday I didn't leave the house, my casa kid bailed on me (I am totally okay with that) and so I had no real excuse to get out of bed. I thought about hitting up the mall to get some christmas shopping done but I am incredibly broke lately and am up to my ears in bills and debt so I thought it better to not aggravate myself, (mall parking.. shudder) or the situation any further. Last night a bunch of people came over, mostly my roommates friends but I have grown to like most of them too. They all got really drunk and stayed up half the night hooping and hollering and preventing me from sleeping. I only got up once at 4:30 am to tell them to move it into the living room so I could sleep. I figured if they woke up Alexis there would be hell to pay, and they all knew that and would probably be quieter. I am too nice to "throw bitch" in those situations. Actually I have before but it was when I lived at home and it was more like a tantrum than anything. I'm not a convincing bitch.
This morning I awoke to a very smelly house with 7 people sleeping in the living room. It reaked of B.O. and skunked beer. Vito was awake and had shoved some tissue in his nose because he apparently was sick but came over to party last night anyway. (and get everyone else sick pressumably) I woke up trevor for band practice after his 2 hour nap. I also sprayed febreeze on some late slumberers. (they can thank me later) I went onto the porch to talk to Alexis, who was very awake, who told me Trevor had threatened to divorce her last night. I realize tensions were high and everyone was less than sober and thought nothing of it until Trevor told me he "broke up" with her right before we left for practice. I told him "you can't break up with her, she's your wife." I continued to try and talk him out of it on the car ride to practice and during and after practice. I know getting married so young is a bad decision, and often ends in divorce but I love both of these people and just want them to be happy. Why can't life be more like fairy tales? Where the hell is my happy ending?
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