Thursday, April 1, 2010

Over and done with

My grandfather has finally been "memorialized" an entire month and a half later. It was a short and sweet ceremony, almost everyone said something, and there were maybe about 25 people in attendance. I enlarged a picture of me and him and my niece Jenelle on the swingset in the back yard. My Aunt Pat loved it so much I let her take it home. Afterwards we went to the house and ate and talked. Soon it came time to have a family meeting and discuss the business of who gets what. We're coming back in a few weeks to take whatever we want and estate sale the rest. Once all of that is taken care of we're throwing everything else out and cleaning the house and trying to sell it. It's probably going to be demolished, which makes me sad since I spent the majority of my life there. The house changes more and more every time I am there, the phone number was even changed because they couldn't afford the bill. That made me sad because I have known that number my whole life. I guess it's okay to have the wonderful memories live on even if the house can't. Letting go is the hardest part.

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