Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Riot grrrl pizza party!!

I am working on a little snippet for my friends zine! but here it is now for you guys since the zine is not widely available! I might change it up a little but I wanted to post it before I forgot!

riot grrrl pizza party!!

One of the things that always bothered me about pizza is how often it is regarded as JUNK FOOD! I mean c'mon!! Pizza is super good for you if you do it right! The only thing that's unhealthy about it is the mountains of cheese "fat America" puts all over it! Let's work together to make pizza a shining beacon of health! Hell let's make it a food group (the way I consume it, it could be!) Why do you think people in Italy live so damn long? It's the pizza!!!

Let's start with the crust! Pizza dough is made out of basically:

flour - that's wheat, it's a grain! grains are fucking healthy!

olive oil- which is super good for your skin! (you pretty pretty thing you!) it's also an antioxidant and good for digestion and keeping your cholesterol in check! (that might help you balance out the mountain of cheese but you should probably do some sit ups just in case!)

Yeast - IT'S ALIVE!!

Sugar - Only a little bit to activate the yeast, If yeast was a zombie, sugar would be it's BRAINS!!!

salt - just a pinch! Sodium is good for you in small doses and needs to be replenished after you sweat a lot or exercise! It helps your cells maintain their fluid levels and one of the symptoms of sodium deficiency is flatulence aka FARTS! So if you have a hot date make sure to eat some pita chips before or something! NO BEAN DIP!

Well then, crust isn't so scary is it? Maybe next time you won't leave its discarded corpse lying on your plate to be tossed in a landfill! Pizza has feelings too! (okay it really doesn't but I am an eccentric weirdo that personalizes food) On to the Toppings!

Tomato Sauce/Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a fruit! They are a member of the deadly nightshade family and were thought to be extremely poisonous up until about 1820! Tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C and also have a good amount of Vitamin A, Potassium, and Iron! Tomatoes also contain loads and loads of Lycopene which is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in your body! Harvard researchers have discovered that men who eat 10 servings of tomatoes a week (AKA 10 slices of pizza) can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 45%!! Italian science nerds also discovered that eating 7 or more servings of raw tomatoes a week can lower the risk or developing rectal, colon, or stomach cancers by 60%!! AND nerd dudes in Israel discovered that lycopene is a powerful inhibitor of lung, breast and endometrial (that's your uterus wall) cancers!

Onions have fiber are a rich source of healthy sulfur compounds! They have cardiovascular benefits too, like reducing your blood pressure and cholestorol levels! Onions also contain Chromium which helps your body respond to insulin and keeps your blood sugar in check!

Garlic cleanses your blood and has a lot of antibiotic qualities! It is considered by some to be a cure all and might even help with your acne! it's anti- bacterial and has 1% the potency of penicillin but unlike antibiotics, most bacteria can't develop a resistance to garlic! One clove a day will keep you healthy, two cloves a day can ward off colds! Garlic is magic and gives you awesome breath!

Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium, and a rich source of selenium which is an antioxidant that works with vitamin E to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals! Those darn free radicals are always trying to ruin my day!

There are also tons more, less conventional but still good for you toppings! So figure out your favorite combo and roll with it! So if I haven't convinced you to get in the kitchen and start kneading by now I don't know what will! Hopefully at least I got your mouth all watery and maybe that will motivate you to at least reach for the phone and call the delivery guy! But trust me, homemade always tastes better! Thanks for reading my angry pizza rant! And please please PLEASE stop using the "J word" when referring to my beloved pizza food!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

listening to bikini kill...

...makes me want to wear pretty dresses and smash shit.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I've got to admit it's getting better.

It's getting better all the time.

I feel more positive, more productive and overall better. I can't say that I wasn't those things before, but I feel them even stronger now. I feel like I can do anything and that's really cool.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pole beans day 8!

Vegan brunch!

My friends had a big vegan brunch at their house yesterday. It was two bucks a plate to help cover the cost of ingredients, and tons of friends came from all over that I hadn't seen in a while. It was warm and sunny out, and everyone had a lovely time, OH and the food was delicious! My favorite part were the whole wheat waffles, with earth balance and agave they were just what my tummy wanted. There was also potatoes and tofu scramble and lentils! YUM!

I had a really great time, I always love when we can have a positive group of people just enjoying each others company. Also the weather was so nice that it felt like spring for the first time. I almost wore shorts but then thought better of it and decided to just not wear a second layer under my pants, baby steps.

We rode our bikes home and found awesome junk on the side of the road that one of our neighbors had abandoned. Mander got a ridiculous cow poster that is now in our kitchen. (two of the cows are rainbow colored) Also since I finally got a hammer and nails to complete my garden bed (pic below!) we decided to finally hang up tons of shelves and frames and mirrors that we had neglected to do anything with before. It was quite a productive day! Afterwards we went to the fancy outdoor mall and made fun of people and looked for boots Rachel wanted (they didn't have them) and then we went to the goodwill and I scored some brand new goulashes for only 10 bucks! The rain has been pretty abundant and nothing gets me crankier than wet feet!

Saturday morning Tessa picked me up bright and early and took me to the hardware store to get supplies, I didn't think I would be able to complete it in time with the rain storm that was coming. (and never came) I got home and went right to work on building my garden bed! I want to have it ready so that once my little window sill crops are ready I can move them outside without having to worry about Selena dumping on them or walking on them! She is a good dog but not the smartest dog so setting up boundaries for her makes it extra clear that that spot is MY territory.

After I finished my project I got cleaned up, ate some food and then Tessa came back and we hung out for a while with some friends and then picked up Mander to go to a loud noisy punk show at Gilman. We also got pizza at Lanesplitters before the show, which is always a treat!

Overall I consider the weekend a success!