Thursday, May 13, 2010

No sugar diet: day one

So it seems as though I am having some problems with the bacteria in my body. I took some antibiotics recently and as it turns out, antibiotics rid your body of ALL the bacteria and not just the good stuff! In the good bacterias absence the bad bacteria can basically take over. In an effort to restore the flora and fauna I have grown to love I am going sugar free for 2 weeks to try and starve my bacterial enemies!

If you actually know me, you probably already know that this will be really hard for me, I love sugar and I love carbs! Also being a vegan, my options have been limited to a small list of vegetables and nuts. I am not super excited and the sugar withdrawals are starting to kick in. Wish me luck, here goes!

my vegan sugar free bounty!

a light snack, raw celery and almond flaxseed butter!

dinner, an artichoke with grape seed expeller pressed veganaise.


jay-way. said...

danny what in the hell is going on over there?? why would you start such a blasphemous diet? i'm coming up there. i'll fix this, grrl... don't worry

crystal! said...

antibiotics cause yeast infections in most women. it's so much fun, right! woooooooo! ugh, it's the worst. i didn't know that being sugar free would fight that though- is it working?

prettymess said...

it's totally working. the itching has almost entirely stopped and after the initial headaches and feeling super tired for about a day I feel normal and healthy again.