Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009: year of the noodle.

These words stand as my resolutions for 2009, to be worked toward all year to make myself the person I want to be.

1. Manage money better. I need to get out of debt and cut up these credit cards.

2. Get rid of stuff. I have way too much stuff that I don't need, I need to ditch my pack rat ways.

3. Finish all my unfinished projects. I am really bad at this, I leave things unfinished for way too long.

4. Learn to play the guitar. I want to be able to write music for the lyrics and melodies I write. I also want to play all of my favorite songs.

5. Get in shape, this ones so common. I want to increase my lung capacity when I'm singing.

6. Stand up straight. I'm a slouchaholic.

7. Be a little more selfish. I often put others needs in front of my own, I shouldn't do this unless someone first proves they are worth that kind of sacrifice. I'm too nice.

8. Be happy, no matter what, do whatever it takes. This year I've been doing a lot of this, but the end of the year just got me down again. I am the only person who can make me happy, I need to remember that.

This concludes my resolutions for 2009. May I not procrastinate, forget or ignore them. Godspeed, me.

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