Sunday, December 14, 2008

I am pretty positive I maxed out my credit card yesterday on groceries. I am amazing and I like food. I guess I need to stop eating for a while to compensate... I already stopped buying records because its the holidays! Why can't food just be free?? There is a surplus of food in the world that is not being eaten, meanwhile people are starving and I am in debt up to my ears. My life is so hard.

I made cookies last night but failed to take pictures of all the steps for my new food blog, I will probably remake them for my Christmas party this weekend anyway, so I will hopefully remember to do it then. We had a work party at the bowling alley last night, my first game was pretty good but my second game sucked, I bowled a 63. Hell yes I AM that bad at bowling. I'm surprised I managed to knock that many down. I did get one strike but no one was looking as I yelled a lot and jumped up and down. Assholes.

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