Saturday, December 27, 2008

even though I know I don't stand a chance...

I'll ask the jackpot question in advance...

I know my life isn't a romantic comedy, in fact it is so very far from it. Maybe just a comedy, or a tragic comedy. The romance parts are few and far between, and although I wish my life could be just like a drew barrymore movie (except that memory loss one that would suck) it's just not realistic.

When I was a little girl New years eve was so simple. My dad would let me stay up way past my bedtime and watch Bullwinkle on TV. For some reason I remember bullwinkle always being played on NYE, go figure. At midnight he would light off firecrackers in the street and I would get to drink sparkling cider. It was awesome, and so easy.

Presently New years eve is one of my most dreaded holidays. Ever since the idea of dates and parties were introduced it's just not as fun anymore. I can't handle huge parties, I get anxious around lots of people. Whenever we even have small parties at my house the only thing I can do to calm myself is start cleaning. It's WEIRD! I have always considered myself a very social person but I'm seeing that side of me fade more and more with age.

Anyway back to the point: New years eve. Its busy, its crazy, I never have anyone to kiss at midnight. (I got that from the movies too, I need to stop watching movies) I would rather just spend the evening in bed watching more mind altering films! That being said I have no idea what I'm doing this year. The only guy I'd want to kiss lives painfully far away and probably doesn't want to kiss me anymore. I can hopefully just wrap myself in the covers and pray that 2009 has lots of free cookies and cake.

Resolutions coming soon.

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