Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Hell.

Holidays seem to bring out my traditional side. Every year, for the past four years I have spent an evening in Livermore, CA with my best friend Kristin and usually her sister and a few others watching horror movies, and in more recent years, Christmas themed ones. This night of nights always falls right before or on Christmas, basically whenever our busy schedules will permit, and has always been a highlight of the Christmas season for me. This year since I finally made the giant leap into adulthood and finally have my own "venue" for casual get togethers, I decided to host my very own horror Christmas party.

Let it be known that I am not the biggest party animal, I much prefer quiet evenings and small gatherings. I actually did not expect my movie marathon to be a big deal, or for that many people to show up but by the end of the night there was gambling, screams of laughter, way too many sweets in the kitchen and a dude crying in my front yard. Overall I think it did pretty good. The biggest hit of the night was a movie called "gingerdead man" which features Gary Busey as a psychopath who's spirit, with the help of a little careless baking, comes back in the form of a very pissed off gingerbread man.

Here is the trailer!

I have also recently purchased alot of Christmas movies that I love and usually watch for free on cable. Since I don't have cable this year I decided I needed to own them all to ensure none of them will be missed.

I just got some mind blowing information and have hit a word block and need to stop writing so I can be completely numb and starstruck for a little while.

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